Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Think of us as TSA may help soften the blow....

I was thinking today about the current state of our mortgage loan environment and it dawned on originators are sort of like TSA Agents.  It's not the most flattering comparison in the world, I know, but it comes with the territory.  

Going to the airport to board a flight used to be a pretty simple process:  arrive, park, check bags, receive boarding pass, walk through the security gate, wait for your flight and row to be called, board.  Now, it's so complicated, you almost try to think of reasons not to fly.  Can I get there by car?  Do I really need to go?  It almost seems not worth it with all the hoops you need to jump through. Limited luggage, carry on restrictions, weight of liquids restrictions, stripping down to practically your birthday suit while loading all of your belongings into a bin to watch them ride down a conveyor belt while you walk through a full body scan, and if lucky enough, possibly a full body pat down.  But it's for our own good right?  It's for our safety.  I mean, all it took was a handful of people who did something awful to ruin it for the rest of us.  It doesn't seem fair.  But, in the end, when you get to your destination without incidence, you have to admit, as difficult and ridiculous as the process seems, you are relieved you made it safely.  It was all done for your own good and the good of those around you.

The mortgage industry is much the same.  A few bad decisions made by some, made it difficult for the rest of us.  Yes, you do need to provide everything AND the kitchen sink in order to qualify for a loan - but in the end - it's for OUR own good.   We all want to come out in the end safely and in order to do that we all have to cooperate and comply.  Whatever your lender asks for, understand that it is necessary to the process.  Remember the TSA Agent at the airport asking you to remove your shoes, belt, watch, wallet, cell phone, ring (you get the picture) when you are clearly not a risk - everyone has to be examined with the same pair of glasses.

The next time you apply for a mortgage loan, remember, we are just trying to help you reach your destination!

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